That Tongue
There were looms inside her mouth
Spinning yarns like angry birds
And there were threads of lies and doubt
Getting tighter with each word
-Entwined in arcs
-Shaped like question marks
-That hung
-From that tongue
There were smokescreens blown so thick
You couldn't see the pointed fork
And there were clues that darn and flick
Until the pie-hole blew its cork
-The storm had come
-Hot air wind shear from
-Those lungs
-And that tongue
-Those lungs
-And that tongue
There were floats all wreathed in red
Big phony flowers stained in ink
And all her nurses bowed their heads
Decked out in gaudy shades of pink
I watched them all
Line up for the casting call
Of a fool
Who believes
With his heart on his sleeve
-The storm had come
-Hot air wind shear from
-Those lungs
-And that tongue
-Those lungs
-And that tongue